I hope you have been enjoying our new recipe section. We won't have one every edition, but hope to bring you some yummy recipes frequently. Have you been keeping warm while baking lately or have you been going out and enjoying the early burst of spring?
We're having 60 degrees one day and 30 with snow the next. The girls and I have passed around a cold and our dishwasher broke, so I was not in the mood to cook or bake anything the past two weeks. We've all recovered and got a new dishwasher installed, so I hope to be back baking soon. There is a mocha cake my oldest wants to recreate since we can't find the recipe we used before. If we happen on something tasty we'll let you know. Is there any type of food you have been craving lately?
Final Reminder
These are the final days for our February contest. Don't forget to head over to the Blue Rabbit Cottage Facebook page- then 'like' and 'share' the contest post to be entered. Winner will be announced Monday.
On the Drawing Board
I found some cute new ribbons I'm anxious to use. The hardest part of bow making, for me at least, is decided what style bow to make. There are so many cute styles its hard to choose a place to start.
I will also be starting a blue garter set with white ribbon.
Mom is working on an Easter wreath.
On the Bookshelf
I'm on the third book of the series I've been reading, so not much for me to add. I think its time for you to share. What's been on your bookshelf and would you recommend it to others? Let us know your current read in the comments below.
Coming Soon
The white garter set with blue ribbon, and a necklace and earring-wedding set will be available on Etsy in a few days. Check out Etsy page later this weekend for details.
We will also be selling bath salt and washcloth sets coming soon. Check out page for more details on these as well.
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