Such as this Blue Heart Necklace- $10.00

Also new on the Blue Rabbits we have some fun grab bags.
Three bow grab bags can be found here. For $7.50 you will get three bows in a cute gift bag. Ready for a surprise?

If bows aren't your cup of tea, we also have these adorable jewelry gift bags here. For 12.50 you will get three pieces of KandJdesigns jewelry. What a lovely surprise. Why chose between the two, get one of each.

New Around The Cottage
Catnip Play Bags- These catnip bags are 3 for 5$ and we have several different designs. Head over to the Blue Rabbit Cottage to check them all out here.
We have several new painted mugs such as You're My Cup of Tea and Sawdust is Man Glitter. $8.50

Hope you enjoy looking around the cottage. Don't forget you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter and visit us again here real soon.