Welcome back to our cozy corner of the world. Sorry for the confusion last week. I run two blogs, Blue Rabbit Cottage and Blue Rabbit Academy and I crossed a wire last week and gave you all a peek into our homeschool life. If you like to read more about our school feel free to join us over at the Blue Rabbit Academy: www.bluerabbitacademy.blogspot.com, and if you really just come for the crafts I apologize.Reminder
For the month of March you can receive 10% off your Etsy order by entering the code EASTER16 at checkout. Let your friends know.New
Blue Rabbit is now on twitter. Follow us for news, specials and well tweets in general. @rabbitcottageCrafting
Besides a special order I've not been doing too much crafting. As you saw last week we've been spending a lot of time outside soaking up the sun.
This blanket is a special order for a special mother for mother's day this year. I think she'll love it. It reminds me of spring. It made me think of these flowers from the back yard.

Mom has this lovely owl necklace about to go onto Etsy. Check our shop soon for updates!
We also will have bunny hats in more colors! If there are any other color types you'd like to see comment below and let me know.
Since I've not been spending as much time crafting lately I thought I'd share a few pictures of what I have been up to.
We got a new hen named Nutmeg, we had to trade the white rooster for her because we can't keep a rooster in city limits. That's Ginger in the front and Nutmeg in the back.
We've also been watching the strawberry plant bloom and the pea plats shoot up.
Once some of the newness wears off spring I'll get back to my regularly scheduled crafting.
On the Bookshelf
Paper, Scissors, Death by Joanna Campbell Slan was on my bookshelf this week. This was a really fun murder mystery. I hate to use those words in the same sentence, but for readers of cozy mysteries you understand what I mean.This is the first book in Ms. Slan's Kiki Lowenstein Scap-n-Craft Mystery Series. Kiki's husband turns up dead and Kiki's life is turned upside down. She finds a job selling scrapbooking supplies and teaching classes while trying to solve her husband's murder and keep her little family together.
This was a very promising first book and I'm looking forward to reading some more in this series. There are scrapbooking tips at the end of some chapters for you to try out as well.
Happy Easter
Thank you for stopping in and visiting us this week. We hope you've enjoyed our chat. Have a Happy Easter and enjoy your family. Come back and see us again soon!