Large Halloween Bow- $5.00

Halloween Bow- $5.00
New Up at the Cottage:
Besides our lovely line of Halloween and Fall items we are offering a Blue Parrot Snuggle Blanket. This blanket is larger than your average lovie blanket and is perfect for snuggling. If you have a little bird fan at your house treat them to this lovely blanket with a friendly face. The blanket comes in two shakes of blue with a variegated color highlighting. $30.00.
Coming Soon:
On the other side of the cottage Cat is working on a fall wreath.
I started with a handmade 15 inch grapevine wreath and just built on that. I just love fall colors. The wreath reminds me of when I was young and would rake leaves with my friends just so we could jump in them and spread them all over again.

Other Up Coming Projects:
More Halloween bows of course. Halloween is one of my girls' favorite time to dress up in seasonal outfits with matching bows, so I love making a wide variety of Halloween and Fall bows.
This is a sampling of the new bows we will have soon on the Blue Rabbit Cottage. I hope you and/or your little one love dressing up for the season as much as we do! I hope something catches your fancy, and remember to check back often for new listings.